Friday, October 22, 2010

Six Months old

Home From the Hospital
SIX months old!

Well not sure where the time has gone but six months ago today we welcomed our sweet little Cooper Jay into the world. In that short time he has blessed our lives more than I can explain. When he was first handed to me I looked at him and thought, "Who on Earth is this person?" I carried him for 38 weeks and 4 days and the entire time I had a picture in my mind. Well he showed up, looked nothing like I imagined and I fell in love. Six months later I know just who Cooper is! He is happy, LOVES his brother, and is now just discovering that he loves to eat!
Cooper we love you and enjoy you more and more everyday. Happy half birthday baby!!!
May 22, 2010
June 22, 2010
July 22, 2010
August 22, 2010
September 22, 2010
October 22, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010


Earlier this month I was lucky enough to visit my sister and brother-in-law in Virginia. My mom and dad also came from Boise so it was a sort of mini family reunion. We missed my brother though! Quincy, Cooper and I had a GREAT time. The flight there was a little rough and included a screaming 5 month old, an air sick 7 year old and one mama with a HEADACHE! However, it was so worth it to come off the plane and see Jennie, Jerry, Hunter, Mom, Dad and Baby Skip!!!! Since we had all been to VA. a few times we didn't do much of the touristy things. Mostly we spent our time together just enjoying each others company. We hit up Chick-Fil-A a couple times, strolled through Target a bit and of course sipped a few Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks. Most important I got to see my new little nephew Skip (Jerry Lee Nowell III). Skip and Cooper are exactly four months apart so it was fun for my sister to see what is to come and for me to remember what had been. Here are just a few of the seemed like we took hundreds! But the babies are only babies once and we have to document all the changes! To Jennie, Jerry, Hunter, Skip, Mom, and Dad I had a great time, love you and I miss you so much!!!!!
Cooper and Grandma
Skip and Cooper (right before Cooper grabbed Skip's face and made him cry)
The Hofstra ladies with their beautiful BOYS!!

Monkey BUTTS!!
Yep, I think Skip was hungry...poor Cooper

The guys doing what they do
The Family Nowell in front of their new house
Classic Skip look
Ironman with his Pumpkin that G-ma and G-pa brought all the way from Idaho in their carry-on!!! Thanks Mark and Terri!!!
We were deep in V-Tech Country

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Pictures of my Beautiful Family

So much has happened since we left Boise in August. Quincy has lost two teeth. Cooper is rolling and is thinking about sitting up on his own. Jason has started his new season and I have been enjoying the laid back European life. Here are a few pictures to update you all. There will be more soon!
Quincy at my sister's house in VA. He LOVED the backyard
Cooper and Grandma
What else? Watching the Bronco game of course!!!!

September 22, 2010...Coming soon SIX months old!
Jason and his boys.
Enough said.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Staying Connected!

Hello all! Well some of you have asked for it...okay maybe ONE person said, "You should start a Blog" so here it is! Since my family and I are so far from home we decided we needed to stay connected with all of our friends and family. I will be posting pictures of our adorable family and sharing what is going on in our daily lives. I know I am going to enjoy this and I hope you do too! Feel free to comment on anything or just to say you visited. Miss you all!