Friday, January 21, 2011

"Crawling" and Teeth and Curls, Oh My!

This is about a month past due but at least this way I can fill you in on all that has happened in little Cooper's eighth month. His eight month picture was taken on the fly. That was the day we drove to Oldenburg and on the way home ran into a snow storm and the drive took twice as long as it should have. Therefore he was a pretty cranky baby and I was just glad we got one good one! It was also Bronco game day hence the nice BSU gear courtesy of Grandma! The day he turned eight months he got his first tooth and the second one followed in quick succession. He also found his wheels in the form of an army crawl. It is a little hard to describe but it is mostly ALL arms. He scoots around on his tummy with his legs dragging behind. Not very efficient but it gets him where he wants to go. Lastly and maybe most important are his curls...ok NOT most important but up there on the cuteness scale for sure! When I think about Cooper's eighth month I can't believe all the changes that have happened! He is such an adorable baby and we are loving every minute of babyhood 2.0

The Curls
Silly picture but at least you can see the teeth
Brushing the teeth

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Playing Catch up

After looking at my last post I realized I had been so excited about Paris that I left out most of the holidays and some pretty big mile stones. Before Christmas we took a short little trip over to Oldenburg Germany. There they had an amazing Christmas market! It was the most "Christmasie" place I had ever been. In the Netherlands Christmas is pretty low key so I was so excited we could take Quincy somewhere where they do Christmas BIG.
Yum Cocoa!
Grog...umm Gross.
Libby, Jason and Cooper
Bratwurst YUM!
One of many stands at the market
Oldenburg, Germany

Every time I look at the twinkle lights I think of this Van Gogh Painting
Yeah, I'm pretty cold!
Roast Chestnuts (I loved them but Jason and Libby decided they not only LOOK like squirrel brains they also TASTE like squirrel brains)