Spring has sprung in Europe! The Ellis family has enjoyed some amazing weather the past few days and after a chilly, cloudy Winter it was a much needed change. This is my third Spring in Europe so I realize the sun can...and probably will...be gone tomorrow so we are getting out as much as we can! This past weekend Jason was fortunate enough to get three days off so we headed to the beach! Ok ok so it wasn't warm...and actually it was mostly cloudy but it was the beach and I LOVE the beach. We drove 2.5 hours North to Cuxhaven, Germany a small beach town situated on the North Sea. I was pleasantly surprised by soft sand a cute seashells:) After spending the weekend away we came home to warm air and a sunny sky! On Tuesday Jason, Cooper and I ventured out for a walk...our goal...to go somewhere we had never been before. Success! We happened upon a classic Netherlands landmark...a windmill and sat Cooper right down to take some pics. Overall this past week has been beautiful and we have enjoyed it to the max with walks, picnics and just sitting outside. Here are some of the pictures from our time outside...and a few I just couldn't resist slipping in;)

Those specks in the middle of the picture are actually people. The water recedes REALLY far.

The path we followed that led us to the windmill