Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Where has the time gone...

Hello again! Well hello to you few people who actually follow my blog;) It has been such a long time since my last post! There are a couple reasons for this but the main reason is that Jason and I just got Internet TODAY. We went from May 30- November 8 without it!!! How have we gotten by you ask?!?! We checked email and FB every now and then on my parents computer and then a few weeks ago we got a smart phone that made us feel a little more in touch but I realized how connected the Internet really does keep us to our family and friends and I couldn't wait any longer!
Since my last post so much has happened. We came back to Boise and spent an amazing summer with friends and family. My sister and her family came to visit as well as Jason's mom. We packed up the car and drove over to WA. to spend some time with Jason's family as well. As the summer started to come to an end we expected to hear from Jason's agent about where in Europe we would end up. We waited and waited and heard nothing. Well the end of summer came and went and we had to adjust a little. We quickly got Quincy enrolled in our local school and made sure he knew that we would probably be pulling him out to head overseas. So we waited and waited...All of the sudden it was the end of September and we were still in town kind of wondering if we should be worried or enjoying ourselves. Our conversations constantly had the phrase, "if we are still here we will..." We weren't actually living our lives we were we stopped. We started making plans that actually extended past the next day. We allowed ourselves to just enjoy this extra time.
Fast forward to today and we are still in Boise. We have had to mentally changed our plans and now we are just living and having a great time (hence just getting Internet today;)! This is not the season we envisioned but this is the plan that God has in our lives and we are excited to see what happens. Jason was just picked up by the Idaho Stampede, our local D-League team and his season is starting soon. Quincy is loving school and has made lots of friends. We just booked his 9th birthday party which will involve LOTS of kids, cake and bowling!
The one person who has changed the most since my last post is sweet Cooper. Last you heard he has just turned one and walking was his new challenge. Well now he is 18 months old and running is just as easy as screaming at the top of his lungs:) He is so funny. He is talking more and more everyday but it isn't until someone else hears him that we realize how much we actually have to translate. "Da du" is thank you, "ni ni" is night night and "da da" is dad, bye bye, please, Quincy, cat, and pretty much everything else! It's his one phrase for about a hundred words;)
Now that we have Internet again I will not go this long without a post. I miss sharing our lives! Here are some pics to get you caught up!!!! Get ready for picture OVERLOAD!!!! Note: There are a lot more photos but I can't seem to find my other memory stick...more to come later...hee hee.