Thursday, November 25, 2010

Eight Years OLD!!!!

Can it really be that eight years ago Jason and I welcomed our first baby boy into this world? No...can it? Quincy turned 8 years old on November 20th. I remember the day he was born he was this tiny little baby with the highest pitch scream I had ever heard. My friend, Megan still reminds me that she heard that scream before she even met Quincy. One of my favorite stories from the day he was born is he came out and they put him on my belly and showed him to me. After that that took him to do all the things they do with babies and while he was on the table he opened his eyes and looked at Jason. Within a few seconds they turned on the light over the table and Quincy quickly shut his eyes and didn't open them again for about 24 hours! It always reminds me how cozy he must have been in my tummy:)
In the eight years since Quincy was born a lot has changed in our lives. I have a hard time deciding if eight years flew by or did it seem to take forever...I think a little of both. Quincy is a handsome, independent little boy who thinks his dad is the coolest person in the World. If we were in the States he would be in second grade but instead he is in Group 4 at the international school he attends. He is happy, caring and doesn't know it yet but wise beyond his years. Jason and I are amazed daily at the things that come out of his mouth. We are constantly asking, "How do you know that?" Quincy just smiles, shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't know."
This year for his birthday Quincy received a gift he has wanted for a long time! When he was five he started to ask for a video game and Jason and I just picked a date, we thought, was in the distant future...when your 8, we said. He got a Nintendo Ds and couldn't be more thrilled. I was silently happy that the DS was not the first thing he wanted to open but the Legos which my mom and sister sent. Thats the Quincy I know, Legos are his favorite toy and he could spend hours looking through the newest catalog. When he grows up he would love to design Legos...he has lots of good ideas too:) Anyway, here are a few pictures from the big day. He has said on multiple occasions that this was the best birthday yet...I hope we can top it next year!
Quincy and the cupcakes we made for his class

The sign at the Apekooi where Quincy and Jacob, a school mate, had a party
At home with his cake
Loved this picture! He was so excited he was moving so fast
After he calmed down and sat still
Star Wars Legos!


  1.'re right- 8 years has gone quickly (and slowly) and I still remember that sweet scream like it was yesterday. I remember hanging out at your house and hearing that scream would send me into little fits of giggles and you just sat there like- 'are you really laughing at this?' I can appreciate your thoughts now that I have my own and the little screams aren't all that endearing. You're an amazing mother, and I have always thought have both raised such a smart, caring, well mannered young man...thank you for being a wonderful example to me of a loving, involved parent. What a sweet post on the memories of his birth and the thoughtful words to describe who he is. Hope he's loving the DS- actually, he probably already beat the game already???

  2. Marcus says "cool toys!!!" We miss you bunches!!!
